Thursday, March 25, 2010

台大化學營 (Winter camp for High school students at Chemistry department of NTU) 20100204

Here are some pictures from a talk I gave in the winter chemistry camp for high school students last month (Feb. 4, 2010) here at chemistry department of National Taiwan University. Right after the talk, there was a workshop for students to construct bead model of C60. We have many undergrad assistants to help them to make the beaded buckyball.

My experience of workshop on beaded fullerene is to give a one-hour talk on the background of fullerenes, chemistry, geometry and then give a small exhibition about the beadwork we have created. Then we can have a workshop for students to create simple object such as C20, C60, C70 and so on. Creaction of other topologically nontrivial structures such as high-genus fullerenes, periodical minimial surfaces etc. are time-consuming. So I don't think it is possible to make them in a short time. One needs patient to make them.

updated May 28, 2010

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