Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sierpinski tetrahedron & Mackay icosahedron for the Bridges Seoul 2014

Dr. Tsoo and I have also submitted two beadworks for the mathart exhibition in the Bridges Seoul 2014, which can be found here: tubular bead structures.

Trefoil knot for the Bridges Seoul 2014

Chern submitted an artwork of trefoil knot for the Bridges Seoul 2014, which can be found at this page: Carbon nanotube trefoil knot C318.

C60 and T120 with 5mm cateye stones

It's been a while since I made T120 and C60 sometime ago. Also, I have given away all other cateye T120 models made by Chern many years ago. Hopefully, I can show more models with this kind of beads in the future.