化學分子的實體模型是化學家與眾多從事微觀世界研究的人,在闡明複雜分子的三度空間結構上,不可或缺的工具。在本文中,我們將利用一般生活上,常用於裝飾、藝術用途上的串珠,來製作任意結構的芙類(fullerenes)分子。透過直角編織法,編織出的多圓環,可以代表芙類分子中的多碳環。由於圓形串珠的硬殼球排斥與微觀 sp2 碳碳鍵的價殼層電子對排斥非常類似,所以串珠間的排斥力場可以模擬微觀分子內之力場,因此芙類分子的串珠模型的幾何結構與真實分子的結構非常相似,這與我們所知的其他種類之分子模型,極為不同。本文並將介紹各種芙類分子結構的串珠實體模型與其建構方法,包括各類籠形構造、甜甜圈結構、螺旋管結構、沸石結構、週期最小曲面。簡言之,串珠可以說是建構芙類分子之最佳材料,而且所做出來的串珠模型,本身就是一個結構優美,極具藝術價值的展示品,其所隱含的幾何意義、化學觀念,更可引人深思,進而深入探索其中的奧妙。

The Wonderful World of Beaded Fullerenes
Bih-Yaw Jin†, Chern Chuang† and Chia-Chin Tsoo‡
Physical models of molecular systems are indispensable tools for both chemists and practicing researchers working on various complicated molecular systems in order to understand their delicate three-dimensional structures. In this study, we discovered that beads commonly used in ornaments and decorative arts could be used to build the physical models of fullerene molecules through the so-called “Right Angle Weave” technique. We have demonstrated that these aesthetically pleasing beaded models provide faithful 3-D representation of the corresponding fullerenes due to the remarkable analogy between the classical hard-sphere repulsions among beads and the microscopic valence shall electron-pair repulsions of the sp2 carbon atoms. We have also investigated the construction rules for various kinds of fullerenes, and constructed corresponding physical models with beads.
Keywords: physical models, beading, fullerenes, Platonic solids, periodic minimal surfaces