One of the students, 林楷軒 (from math dept), in the course "general chemistry" I taught sent me a picture of C60 (shown below) he discover in math building 403. He said it was constructed by unknown author some time ago.

It looks beautiful to me for sure and reminds me that I have given away many beaded molecules to profs. 林長壽, 陳宜良 of math dept and prof. 李文卿 of math dept, Penn. State U. last June. This one is probably one of them and possibly belongs to prof. 林長壽. He probably put it there for student to play.
I check my iphoto library this morning and found this picture of C60. I guess they are the same beaded model.

Additionally, here are beads I used to construct the model.
and another beaded model, C80, made by the types of beads:
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