Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Third level Sierpinski superbuckyball: C20⊗C20⊗C20

As was asked by Bih-Yaw, I think in principle one can always go on the process of using fullerenes to construct superfullerene, and then treat the result as the new module to build a supersuperfullerene etc.. The idea is the same. The problem is always physical limitations: the structure goes too heavy to support itself or you run out of memory trying to build that on a computer. Here is the simplest nontrivial case that I can do on my laptop, a third level superfullerene C20⊗C20⊗C20.

C20⊗C20⊗C20 with g=(1,1): C15920 (Ih)

It is clearer to see when there are only two adjacent nodes:

I would say this is not unbeadable. However, as mentioned, one has to make sure the structure is strong enough to hold itself up. In my experience the best shot is to go with 3mm plastic beads and 0.4mm fish lines, which I'm currently using for the construction of a C60⊗C60 superfullerene. Other possibilities are icosahedron⊗icosahedron⊗C60 or cube⊗cube⊗C60, but I think they are not as representative and illuminating as this one.

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